Residential Address
school icon
School:J B Tyrrell Senior Public School
10 Corinthian Blvd
Scarborough,Ontario M1W1B3
Phone:(416) 3966360
GPS(Latitude,Longitude): 43.789252,-79.323949

Toronto District School Board
5050 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5N8
Phone: 416-397-3000
School Website,School Grades : 7 to 8,    Public,English program,Gifted program

School Notes:
Intermediate Extended French(The Grade 7 Extended French program)
This program is currently phasing out. The last cohort to begin the Grade 7 entry Extended French starts in September 2022.

Please note:
TDSB to change process for admissions to specialized programs, new policy will apply, call the school for specialized program admissions.