Residential Address |
School:Hartman Public School
130 River Ridge Blvd.
Aurora,Ontario L4G 7T7
Phone:(905) 727-5938
Fax:(905) 727-9035
GPS(Latitude,Longitude): 44.01039247051,-79.4398293468353
The York Region District School Board
60 Wellington Street West
Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3H2
Phone: 905-883-5241
Fax: 905-883-5241
Aurora,Ontario L4G 7T7
Phone:(905) 727-5938
Fax:(905) 727-9035
GPS(Latitude,Longitude): 44.01039247051,-79.4398293468353
The York Region District School Board
60 Wellington Street West
Aurora, Ontario, L4G 3H2
Phone: 905-883-5241
Fax: 905-883-5241
School Website, Alias : Hartman P.S.
School Grades : JK to 8, Public,English program
School Notes: N/A
School Grades : JK to 8, Public,English program
School Notes: N/A
EQAO Ranking :
The best way to understand a school's performance is to get more infomation from the school by talking with the school's teachers and princial as we appreciate every school is unique. The data used for EQAO ranking are the data provided on the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) web site at
The overall rating/score is driven by EQAO shows how well students have met curriculum expectations. Some important aspects that create a good learning environment are not be included.
The best way to understand a school's performance is to get more infomation from the school by talking with the school's teachers and princial as we appreciate every school is unique. The data used for EQAO ranking are the data provided on the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) web site at
The overall rating/score is driven by EQAO shows how well students have met curriculum expectations. Some important aspects that create a good learning environment are not be included.